Tag Archives: workout

Goals for March 25-31, Plus a Tabata Set!

So, I need to seriously up the accountability I have going on. I have caught myself giving in to stress cravings and stressing a little too often lately. Setting some goals and going to make sure I keep notes as I check them off!!

I have to feel good in my body again and get away from the picking and prodding at every little thing. Looking back at my past posts help me remember what I need to be doing!! Ah, so nice to look back so easily thanks to my blog!! So, without further ado, here are the weekly goals!


1. Alter half marathon training plan: Tuesday is a short run (2 fast miles), Thursday is a medium run (4 miles) and Sunday is a long run (6 miles). I’m trying to work on speed with endurance so I’ll see how this goes!

2. Cardio/Strength/Yoga/Tabata: Do one gym cardio session, one shred with yoga meltdown, and one Tabata day with a form of easy cardio.

3. Keep a food journal EVERYDAY: No matter what, keep track. Just do it. Seriously, keep track of everything.

4. Have a ‘boys choice’ art day: Bring out tons of options, lay out a plastic table cloth and just enjoy!!! Don’t worry about a mess, just have fun with them!!!

5. Appt. Goals: Make a doctors appt, a dentist appt, and swap sport massages with the hubby! Our legs are sore and helping each other is a must! He’s up to 15 miles on his long runs, so he will need a deep tissue knuckle rub!

Those are the goals! I PROMISE to post next Sunday with the results and a new set of goals!! Now, onto Tabata!


So, one of the best ways to learn about Tabata workouts is to visit tabatatraining.org. You will get a description, videos, reasons why these are amazing workouts, and proof of what they can do for your health!!! I have incorporated them into my workout routine and have noticed a difference in my speed and my endurance!! 4 minutes of sweat and hard work is harder than you think…I do 4-5 different rounds and am usually DONE by the end. (Done- as in, holy shit, I can’t move).


Here is one example from runninglovingliving

I did a strength training Tabata on Friday for some endurance/resistance work. I use my exercise bands, pull up bar and dumbbells. It was pretty tough and by the time my plank set was done, my arms were jello!!! Here is my set- each round the exercises were repeated for a total of two times each.  I’ll be doing this same one for my goal Tabata of the week!


So now, I have set some goals.  I have talked about Tabata like I promised, and I hope I will get others trying it out and seeing it’s benefits!  There are millions of variations, just make sure you are using a timer (I use Tabata Timer- a free app) and exerting yourself for those 20 seconds of hard work.  It’s pointless if you use those 20 seconds to just march in place or do hip circles.  Do your exercise and really go all out- not to the point of hurting yourself, but enough that you are seriously exerted by the time that 20 seconds is up!!!  It is a great feeling when you are finished, and you really do feel stronger!!! 

Tell me your goals, tell me your Tabata sets!!

Christmas Break and Weekly Goals!

So Christmas break has begun!  I had an amazing Friday with my little students!  We decorated gingerbread houses and gingerbread cookies (see our stash of candies below), we read Christmas books, danced around to Christmas music and just enjoyed our time with Mrs.Robin (the class teacher)!  I got to finally get my boys on Santa’s knee this weekend, and I busted out some Shred to start my week of goals off right!



When your Friday starts off with plates and baggies of candy, how can the day be anything but amazing??!!  The kids were super psyched, and I was super proud that I didn’t touch one tiny bit of it, I stuck with my WW and ate my healthy snacks instead!  Saturday we got some crazy hectic shopping done and then got a chance to sit the boys with Santa….and this Santa was amazing!  He was so sweet and looked like the real deal!




Sunday was spent napping (Gavin woke me up at 5am, then I couldn’t get back to sleep), getting groceries, planning last minute crafts, visiting Uschi so I could bake cookies for her at her house, then having James cheer me on as I did “The Shred”….the boys are now eating pizza as I eat some baked chicken with veggies!  Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE Jillian Michaels and all of her workouts.  I wish I could have her as my trainer every week!  Since I can’t, I will settle for a few new videos of hers that I asked Santa to bring me!

Now that I have her starring at me while I make my weekly goal list to take me into the Christmas Weekend!

Run- 3 runs this week (M: 25 min, W: 30 min, Sat: 25 min) * I am going for time and not looking at miles this week.  I want to focus on my time running and don’t want to get discouraged if my pace is slower than I am used to..Next week it will be miles!

Cross-Training: Shred on Tuesday and Friday

Emotional/Mental: Write in my journal or gratitude journal every evening.  If I have a bad day, I will re-write my day as I would have liked it to be in order to keep positive!  Pick one good deed to do with the boys this week, my plan is to take some homemade cookies and hot chocolate to the gate guards at the nearby base this week.  It has been cold and they are stuck out there all day in the rain!

Family: Write thank you letters to Santa before we get presents, let James make cookies all by himself, make play-doh for Gavin, Cuddle with Eric and let him choose whatever movie he wants!  Let my family know how much I love them and rely on them!

Health: Stay on points this week and try to give a treat everyday so I don’t feel deprived or ravenous for chocolate/Christmas treats.  Allow myself to enjoy what I want on Christmas without guilt.  Up my protein so I am more energized during my workouts!

Do you have Winter Break yet?  How was your weekend?  Any goals to meet for the Christmas holiday?

New gear, motivation, and yummy treats!

So since it is getting colder and I was recently treated to some cold-gear, I realized I will be needing MORE cold gear!  I was looking around for some good items and then saw a few things at Old Navy that are not necessarily for the cold, but will work for the time being.  I plan on getting some thermal pants from our Outdoor Rec, and some more items from Santa!  Another realization came today…I can create my own adrenaline rush in order to get hyped for a workout when I am actually feeling dead on my feet!  PLUS, I want to share some of my favorite snacks that leave me feeling happy not heavy!


But first, the new gear I am going to try out, and am hoping works well!  I was browsing and saw that Old Navy actually has a new line of clothing for their active wear.  They are selling some highly rated compression pants, tights, tops and jackets.  Since I have issues with my legs, I have been wanting to really give these a ‘go’.  The fact that there was a 25% off sale on the items made me feel even more inclined to go ahead with the purchase!  Here is what I chose:

All three of these are the compression items.  When looking through the reviews, many people bought multiples of each item because of the great fit and quality.  Others commented that they have worn these in colder temperatures and have faired quite well!  I know it looks blah that I got all black, but I also have a few other items that are more colorful!  I am looking forward to using these for my running, hiking and my yoga/pilates classes that I will be teaching in my village (one weekly public class, and some private sessions).  I will be sure to report on these items as soon as I get them and have a chance to try them out!  In the meantime, go check them out for yourself and see if you think Old Navy is onto something good!  Now onto the purchases from Road Runner Sports!  I love these guys because being a VIP really DOES pay off.  Free speedy shipping, discounts on everything and there are always extra bonuses and specials!  Oddly enough the shirt I picked out and bought ended up as a recommendation from my Running Group and so now three of us will be sporting this bad boy for our runs!

Womens Brooks EZ T Run Happy Long Sleeve No Zip Technical Tops

I also got their compression sleeves to wear on my legs so I can get some relief from the calf and shin pain I seem to always suffer from.  The difference between now and 5 months ago is that I know it is just my legs getting used to these new miles + shoes, and I am not giving in!  I am icing and heating these bad boys, I am going to be taping them, and slipping them into these compression sleeves so the muscles heal faster in between runs.  I am sticking to my training and enjoying the muscle pain because I know it means I am working hard and pushing my body past the point of giving up!  Sorry suckas, you are not going to see me give in this time!

Zensah Compression Leg Sleeves Injury Recovery

Hooray for new gear!  I will be waiting by the PO Box everyday!!  Now onto a little motivation for a tiring Saturday morning!  The hub was working (again), and after a horrible night sleep we both agreed that if there were a championship for tossing/turning, we would have won by a landslide!  I knew I had some strength/cross-training on the schedule for today, so I planned on a double dose of Jillian!  One round of the Shred and then Level 2 of Yoga Meltdown.  As I watched the time tick away this morning…well until about 9:30, I realized that I should just do the workout and hope for rest afterwards.  I jumped around a bit, put my workout clothes on, grabbed yoga blocks (for the boys to play with) and an extra yoga mat so the boys could work out with me.  I tried to get them super excited so I would also get excited…it worked well!


We were pumped and ready to go….until Gavin crapped out after the Shred.  He went for a nap, then James drifted off to do some Jump Start Learning on the computer…ah well, I finished strong on my own!  It made me feel really good to get the workout done and not put it off until ‘later’!  I also felt better about it because 30  minutes before I did the workouts I ate a little bit more trail mix than I needed!  I love trail mix, but it leaves my belly feeling heavy!  My treats of choice these days are therefore in the lighter category…

Tofu Pudding

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Protein Balls Truffles

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No Bake Chocolate Puff Truffles

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…and Toasted Whole Wheat Pita chips with Natural PB and banana

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So there you have it!!!  Some new gear I will review as soon as I get it, how I got my arse motivated to do my double workout this morning despite being exhausted (gotta love my boys), and some yummy treats that leave me feeling satisfied without a heavy belly!

What snacks do you favor?  What is a good way to get yourself motivated when you really don’t want to workout?  Any new gear or goodies that have you excited?

Ahhh, Life’s a beach!

Today started with a great workout at the gym!  I really changed it up this week and loved it great it made me feel.  I could feel the muscles just begging for more, and I did not feel sore or overworked later on!  I felt the need to unwind after a hectic week plus I wanted to be sure to soak up the day with my boys so…I begged for some beach time! 

...and, I got what I wanted!!!

So for the hard work: I completed my week of leg strength intervals…I did the workout 4 times, taking Tuesday off for my procedure.  The workout consisted of: Leg presses, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Hip Abductors, Squats, Side Lunges, Plie Squats and Dead lifts!!  Whew, let me tell ya…I can notice a difference already!  I can feel it while in the exercises and then when I do my flexing and stretching!!  I have always had muscular calves but these days the calves are looking extra GOOD!

My calves in my empty house 😉

I have also worked in some intervals using the cable machine, kettle bars and free weights.  I have been getting my upper body strong with tricep presses, overhead close-grip, bicep T-curls, hammer curls, preacher curls, military press, shoulder front and lateral raises and then a lovely amount of push-ups, diamond push-ups and walk-out push-ups!  The arms have some work to be done, but they are getting there!! (Excuse the blurry picture, I got James to take it right after he woke up, hee hee)

The gun show will come eventually 😉

In order to enjoy the after workout glow and the nice weather, we decided to hit up the beach with James.  Gavin was having his last little shin-dig at the CDC, and we were out running errands, so we figured a pit stop at the beach with James was in order.  He has been a bit stressed and sensitive lately, so some alone time with him seemed like a great way to get him feeling happy and goofy again!

He is a complete beach bum!

He is fearless, jumps right into the water no matter how cold it is!

He is SOOO pale that we have to completely load him down with SPF70 in order to avoid a burn.  It is always funny trying to get his hair to go crazy while wiping him down with sunscreen!

Hello, I'm translucent....what's your name?

We let him play around the Pirate Ship Park a little bit before we headed out to American Village for some eats and nice scenery!  We tried out a ‘new to us’ restaurant that Eric was eyeballing….Mexican.  I was a little nervous, but it was looking like I would manage just fine!  I got a yummy Chicken Pittapan (Chicken stuffed Pita), Eric was able to get a nice Corona to enjoy in the sun!  The boys were quite pleased with our lunch spot!

Nothing like a nice patio and sunshine to enjoy your lunch!

James was eager to leave once the food was finished because we promised him a trip upstairs to “YogurtLand”…this stuff is SOOOO good! 

Paying for the goods!

We rarely go, but I always want to load my bowl each time.  I laid off a bit and got little bits of 3 different Non-Fat flavors.  I had: Tiramisu, Coffee Bean, and Dutch Chocolate…it was about 3/4c all together.  I then topped with bananas, strawberries, a teeny scoop of fruit granola and then 2 little pieces of cheesecake crumbles….MMMMMM, soooo good!! 

The row of Fro-Yo dispensers...heaven!

Our yummy creations!

After our bellies were full we headed back to the base in order to get Gavin from his last day of school!  They made him a really cute little book with pictures from his time with them, so cute!  He was pretty much asleep but I know he would have made a big production about leaving and making sure to leave them laughing!  They were wonderful and took such great care of him, so they will all be very missed!  Now let’s veg out, enjoy the rest of the sun, and enjoy our last weekend in Okinawa!

How do you like to spend sunny days?  Any new work-outs or results popping up lately?  What differences do you notice first: muscle definition or lost inches?

This is how to relax!

I woke up early and was ready to hit the gym for another leg workout!  I was also ready to enjoy my whole day and move past my moment of despair from yesterday.  The sun was shining (well not yet, because it was still dark…but I could tell it was going to be) and I was feeling pretty good belly wise!

It's going to be a NICE day!!

I got through my leg circuit pretty well since there were no other people using the machines!  I got to do all 5 sets without interruption….WIN!  I got home just in time to get my I-Pod off, drink some water and kick off the shoes before Gavin woke-up…WIN!  I was able to get him dressed, fed, and ready to go in no time flat before he started to have a meltdown…WIN!  James was in a great mood and got himself set for school without a lot of reminding and ‘lolli-gagging speeches”…WIN!  I baked two batches of cookies (chocolate chip and sugar cookies with M&M’s on top) for a meal WOOT provided for the mothers from the Main Island.  They are here to be sure they have the care they need while pregnant, we all need to help out in any way we can…WIN!  I was happy to have a great start to my day!!  I was unsure what to eat, since I wanted to lay off some grains…so I whipped up some egg whites and then munched on some blueberries (no more blueberries, they didn’t agree well).

I guess you could say I am winning....just like this guy 😉

I was able to talk to my Dad for a whole 40 minutes WHILE I scrubbed the floor on my hand and knees…WIN (double win for multi-tasking)!  I then had an apple and two mini cookies that I left out for myself…not gluten free (those will be made on Sunday).  It was time to meet up with my friend for my last pedicure at Cocoks!  I was very excited to get the leg massage, because the shin has been asking for it!  Excuse the swollen feet, there is still a lot of water retention going on from the procedure, but here are my newly painted toes!

Will really miss these pedicures!!!

Then we went to a nice ocean front cafe for a light lunch!  Transit Cafe is at a perfect location!  Right at the seawall, it has a great view, amazing food and a really refreshing atmosphere!  I really should have come here more often!

The inside

We got the table that sits right at the edge of the balcony!  It was gorgeous.  A little construction, but still it was sunny, the water was clear and the company was great!

From the second floor of 'Transit Cafe'

My dear friend, Keiko!!

I ordered the salad with chicken on the side!  It came with garlic toast…oh, yes I did!  I only ate a bit of the chicken because it was not boneless/skinless and then I had some of the garlic bread.  Knew it would hurt later, but I figured I can suck it up for the sake of a little taste!

A whole plate of yum!!!

It was pretty hot outside so I made sure to keep at the water!  I was still feeling dehydrated from yesterday, so I knew I had to keep it flowing today!!

I love water pictures that make you want to reach out and take a drink!

Still a little puffy and sore, but I am making sure to enjoy my great day...besides, I have great friends like Keiko to keep me laughing!

We enjoyed some more conversation and then made our way home!  After a few more errands I settled down with another salad mix-up: romain, chicken, peppers, tomato, hummus and spinach.  It was big, filling and yummy!

I love 'hot and grilled' mixed with 'fresh and crispy'

 I already got the gifts made for the teachers (boys’ last week in school), James’ homework finished up with him, backpack packed, laundry folded and kitchen cleaned…WIN!  Now it is time to chug some more water, wake Gavin from his evening nap and then chill out before bed! 

Today was a good day, how about you? 

TRX Training and some GOOOOOD eats!!

So I mentioned going out to do a running/TRX/Pilates/Kettle Ball workout…we threw in some hills, lunges, planks and abs just to keep it interesting!  What a great workout a nice switch up to my norm which is good, keep that body GUESSING!!!

Huh? I thought we were only doing one workout this week...

So what exactly is TRX?  According to the official TRX website (I am nervous to post this so just google TRX and it will pop up): Born in the U.S. Navy SEALS and developed by Fitness Anywhere®, Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise. Easily set up the portable TRX® Suspension Trainer™ and you’re in control. Safely perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries, all at the intensity you choose.

Some of the moves you can do with the TRX bands

Leigh hung ours from the back of the bleachers

I was excited when Leigh mentioned it to me, I think my ears literally perked up!!  Give this girl an option of trying a new workout, and you will get my interest right away!  I love shocking my body and since that has been some new goals of mine, it was a great opportunity to learn something new before heading into a month of travel!  SO, we took it to the track and did the following 4 times:

  • Run one lap
  • 2 sets of bleachers (run up and down the stairs)
  • TRX
  • Kettle Bells, tubes (biceps), medicine ball (8pds) some pilates/yoga

Leigh doing some of the 'T' exercises (she was not in the actual position, my bad!)

Laugh through the pain 😉 Diagonal leg raises with weighted ball (8pds)

The tubes and kettle balls!!!

Then we took it to the hill.  About 20 walking squats, followed by a sprint up the hill, back down, back up and then abs work.  The first time we did (pilates) corkscrew, jack-knife and then reverse jack knife…these bad boys work EVERYTIME!!   We then ran back down, back up, back down, and back up for some plank work.  I did Rolling Side Planks, followed by extended side plank and ‘wild thing’ pose.  Then it was a few more hill sprints followed by one more lap and then a one lap walking cool down! 

Time to take them down until next Sunday!

It was an AWESOME workout!!  I cannot wait to do it again on Sunday, I might even try to get another one in mid-week (depending on how crazy it is here as we get packed up)!  If you have not tried this yet, GO TRY IT!!!!!  So for some eats I have been doing BIG towards a ‘Clean Eating’ over haul!  I am trying to do everything in my power to get my guts in order on my own; however, they are still in pretty rough shape.  That is okay, I will keep at my clean eating, food logging, and hope it will start to turn around after my system gets used to these new eliminations etc.  So I have been cutting out sugar (I use stevia in the raw or All Natural Fruit Sweet instead).  I have been following a plan from the Clean Eat Diet book that will help me get used to the changes gradually.  I have cut out anything processed, which is pretty much the same as I was doing before.  I have made the meals smaller and more frequent, and I have been careful about which foods I am eating together.  Here are some goods:

Chicken with roasted peppers, spinach and hummus on Organic 7 grain flax bread, plus grilled asparagus

My after workout meal: water, Strawberry Cocoa Oats, 3 egg whites

Grilled Chicken, peppers and spinach wrapped in a Whole Grain Wrap

My ever lovely date balls (1 cup dates, 1/4c almonds. 1Tb flax, 1Tb chia, 1Tb cocoa-mix in processor)

A protein shake before my morning workouts

Grilled chicken and flank (4 oz) salad with some asparagus, 1/2 ww pita, 1 Tb hummus

Obviously I am not eating this in order of appearance, but for an example my meals for the day (Sunday) are:

  1. Protein Shake and banana
  2. Strawberry Cocoa Oats with 3 hard-boiled egg whites
  3. The chicken sandwich shown above
  4. An apple with 2Tbsp Natural Un-Salted Peanut Butter
  5. The Chicken Wrap shown above and 1 date ball

I still had belly issues, but at least I cut out a lot of bits of sugar and fillers.  Gonna keep at the food logging and show it to the surgical clinic on Friday when I go in for  my consult.  Hopefully I am on the right track and the extra bloating etc. will ease off when my body adjusts to the changes!  Besides, the eats are super yummy and I am not feeling deprived.  As weird as it sounds, I get EXCITED to eat my oat parfaits, date balls and tofu pudding.  I think I actually mentioned it about 10 times while doing the running/TRX….the girls will agree 😉

Any new workouts or meals to share?  Are you open to trying new things, or do you like to stick with ‘what you know’?