What am I loving right now????

A lot of things!!!  One year ago today I started my blog and this running journey!  Happy Anniversary to me!!!!!This has been a great week for me, especially since the weekend was basically a party between the bathroom and I!  The week (aka: Tuesday) started off with me winning a blog give-away over at Run Eat Repeat…if you have not seen this blog, you are MISSING OUT!  Monica is hilarious because she thinks like me Winking smile  She had a give away for a month supply of C3 (a drink packet that should help ward off stress…um, hello…could this has gone to a more needing person???).  The prize also includes a $75 Spa Finder Gift Card!  Sweet!  The rest of the week (aka: yesterday and today) have also been fantastic…


Click on the picture for a link to their site!!!

Tuesday I woke up in a great mood, which obviously improved even more when I saw I won out of 199 people!!  I packed up my running gear for an after work run, had a yummy lunch packed up and I was on my way to start my new position as the Pre-K teacher at my school..WOO HOO!!!!  It was a great day and I was loving that I got to meet all of these new friends that I would be able to mold and teach for the next two terms!  


After work I had an even more exciting surprise!  I am loving that the other Pre-K teacher, Lizzy (who has given me permission to talk smack about her) decided to run with me.  This is exciting for me because she ‘doesn’t run’ and felt comfortable enough to let me guide her along and keep her going!  Lizzy is where I was EXACTLY one year ago (well, she is actually better than I was), and it is exciting to me that I can be her buddy on the trails and watch her increase mileage and pride!  I will be updating on her progress as we both grow in our running!  PLEASE, send some comments to this post with motivation, tips, running philosophies and trash talk for her to read…she is an unfiltered, sassy Mama just like me (which is why I love being around her)!!  We ran yesterday with some intervals for 1.5 miles and then I came home and busted out 4 miles on my treadmill!


Today I am loving that my husband (who worked night shift) was up all morning and came to work in order to deliver my new Brooks Adrenaline 11’s that finally arrived!!!!  Along with that was a Tall, Non-Fat, Sugar Free Mocha Frappuccino (with whipped cream that I scooped off).  I am LOVING my new sneakers!!!!  I have to work them in (ie: wear band-aids for a few runs), but they felt amazing…I could have run a long time and was having no pain!  I even got to 7:34/mi on one of  my sprints!

I am loving that Lizzy and Katie (the teacher I am replacing, who is amazingly fantastic) ran today with us as we did some tempo and intervals.  Lizzy was able to go longer, faster and harder…plus I made her run sprints up the gigantic hill at the end of the trail (insert evil, yet motivating, laugh)!  Katie and I did sprint splits and Lizzy busted ASS!!!!  She ended up running 2 miles total with an average pace of 10:45/mile….told you she was better than me when I started!  Which brings me to something else I am LOVING today….a post about me on my fellow WOOT member’s blog!!!  She blogged about me for my 1 year anniversary of running (love you, Sarah)!!  This Mother Runner just finished her first Marathon in Hawaii….hello, amazing!!!!!  She is bad ass and really trains unbelievably hard…seriously, go check her out!!!!!

Lastly, I am loving that I have such confidence in my training after really worrying myself this past weekend.  I knew I needed to turn it around…seriously, can I honestly rationalize getting angry at myself for being sick???  I have made up for it this week with nothing but pep talks, self-motivation, and of course reminding myself I am super awesome and can always make someone else smile and run (with me) even when I am feeling like garbage…WINNING! This week I ran, I patted myself on the back, I bragged (self-love, people) and I raised myself up to the bar I know I can set (meaning: set the bar high, because I know I will knock that sucker down)!  Self Love is better than any other feeling or external motivation you could receive!  Without it you are just a piece of negativity floating around waiting to be kicked…not how I want to spend my time!  So thank you all for the past YEAR of blogging, motivation, running, support, spastic post reading and for giving me those words of love that I have turned into SELF love! 



To show appreciation and support, Bondi Band is going to give you a FREE band…come by tomorrow for details….(oh, the suspense)!

3 responses to “What am I loving right now????

  1. Love reading your Blog it’s Awesome =D. I was going to give you a tip about the bandaids I use electical tape along the inside of my shoes where ever it rubs, it creates a smooth surface and lets you break in your shoes without apply bandaids every single time.

  2. Yay! I’m glad I timed it well for your 1 year anniversary of blogging! Mine was January as well! Congrats for all you have accomplished this year!

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