Tag Archives: group

First 6 mile Run and a Bondi Band Review/Give-away!!!

Today was a momentous day in Groff Girl history!!!  I finally ran my first 6 miles!!!!!  The fact that I have bronchitis was not enough to stop me from hitting my long run and doing it with the best effort possible!!  I had three awesome girls from my running group to join me for the blistering run on the trails!  I made sure to sport my Bondi Band “Shut up and Run” head band so I could review and also remind myself what I needed to do when I felt like I was going to complain!!


We hit up the CTS course and took an alternative route than I what I was used to, and it was exactly 3 miles.  We then continued on to the course I knew, and did about 1.25 miles out before turning back to finish up the 6 miles.  The wind was in a bit of a bitchy mood today, and oddly it felt colder today (42 degrees) than when I ran in the 34 degree rain the other day!  Bah, either way we got ‘er done!!


My foot felt great, thanks to my newly beloved Brooks Adrenaline!  My only issue was breathing…I felt like I had a rattling in my chest and so could not get really deep inhales going.  Other than that, I was super happy with the run!  The totals were:  distance: 6.01 miles, time: 1:01 hours, Avg Pace: 10:19/mile!!!  Not too shabby!!!


(Finally got to run with Michelle @ www.michelledoesgermany.com after I harassed her for months to join our running group!!)

As you can see, I sported my Bondi Band that was sent to me to review!  I got the one “Shut up and Run” which is both appropriate and ironic for me!  Appropriate because it reminds me to sop bitching when the run is getting hard.  Ironic because I rarely shut up…even when I am out of breath, I can still jabber on without a problem!  Those who know me, know I never shut up, hee hee!  Today was COLD and WINDY…like, very windy!!  It felt icy cold and was just whipping us in the face.  I need to give props to the headband here because my ears did NOT get cold…at all!!  It kept enough warmth trapped in that I felt good without getting over-heated like I do when I wear a hat!  I am MORE than happy to give this two thumbs up!  Not only am I pleased to offer the “Shut up and Run” head band as a give-away to a reader, I am also pleased because I  now have a bunch of gals who are going to join me in a group order of personalized and regular Bondi Bands!!!  Woo hoo, spread the message….get it, because they have messages….anyone? 


So if you want your very own FREE “Shut up and Run” Bondi Band (don’t worry, not the one I was wearing…they sent me two) then here are your ways to enter:

1. ‘Like’ Bondi Band on Facebook

2.  Follow Bondi Band on Twitter

3. Comment here letting me know you which you did, and also tell me what you would get put on a Bondi Band as your own message???!!!


How did you do this weekend?  Any new goals, insights or motivation to share?