Daily Archives: July 21, 2011

Rear Window…

So the joke has been going that we need to get James some good binoculars so he can sit at the window and watch the neighbors all summer long (hello, Jimmy Stewart)!  Instead he has been parked on the sofa watching TV, movies, Magic School Bus, doing his summer lessons, building Legos and just trying to get stronger! 

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I have been trying to keep him as confortable as possible, while keeping Gavin entertained and away from James’ leg!  The hub is still gone 14 hours a day, so it is up to me to keep everyone managed and in working order.  Of course, I still pile my plate with baking, cleaning, working out and so on.  I figure if I can keep as much of a normal routine as possible, we will all feel less stressed in the situation!  So far so good!  I have been eating clean and staying pretty stress free!  This clean eating may be helping me (goodbye sugar; hence, goodbye sugar crashes)!  I feel much better, still sleepy due to the rough nights, but far less stressed or anxiety ridden!  It might help that Gavin is trying to be as helpful as possible around the house, especially when it is time to cook!

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I have been having shin issues, so this week was spent with heart H.I.I.T hill intervals on my treadmill, workouts from Oxygen, Kick-Boxing, Yoga and Pilates.  These are fit in whenever I get a spare second (when Gavin is napping and James is resting comfortably).  I have some PMS issues going on, but even with this I am down 3.2 pounds in 9 days of Eating Clean!!!  I finally got past my plateau weight, hooray!  So I proved to myself that even when I am tested beyond what I think I can handle, I am more than ABLE to make it through without going on a junk food binge!  It was a great lesson to learn about myself this past week! 



Now the hard part is making sure I stick with it and don’t get cocky.  The PMS is a first in a while, so I am not used to these insane cravings!  Mix that with being trapped in my house (on day 5 of NOT leaving the house…not stepping foot outside…I am dead serious and starting to show signs of being a hermit) and I am on a constant ‘no crap eating because I am bored and stuck in the house’ torture ride!  Ah well, challenges teach us things….giving in shows we see weakness in ourselves, not giving in shows that we refuse to submit to said weakness.  I know how I can make out and I will be very proud because of it!

What new things have you learned about yourself?  What challenges have you been facing lately?